The following step-by-step guide will lead you through the process of installing the Be My Eyes Salesforce integration.
Initial Installation
Note that you will need to be logged on with a Salesforce account with the `admin` role.
First of all, install the package from the link provided to you by Be My Eyes.
The package provides two integrations, the "agent integration" (for agents who will answer calls) and the "manager integration" (for managers to view call statistics and change organizational settings).
Installing the Agent Integration
- Go to Salesforce Setup and search for "App Manager".
- In App Manager, find the "app" you want to add the integration to (eg. Service Console). It must be a lightning app, not a classic app.
- Click the dropdown arrow for the app and click edit.
- Go to "Utility Items (Desktop Only)".
- Click "Add utility item" and find Be My Eyes.
- Check the checkbox "Start automatically".
- Set the width to 480px and the height to 640px (you can adjust these values if you would like).
- Click save.
- The agent integration should now be visible in the bottom bar of the chosen app.
- Agents should log in to the integration using their Be My Eyes credentials.
Installing the Manager Integration
- Go to Salesforce Setup and search for "Tabs".
- Click "New" under "Lightning Component Tabs".
- Choose "Be My Eyes Manager" under Lightning Component, and fill in the other fields as you wish.
- Select profiles you wish the integration to be visible to.
- Go to Salesforce Setup and search for "App Manager".
- In App Manager, find the "app" you want to add the integration to (eg. Service Console). It must be a lightning app, not a classic app.
- Click Navigation Items in the left bar.
- Find Be My Eyes Manager in the list of available items.
- Add it to the selected items and click save.
- The management integration should now be visible in the tab bar of the chosen app.
- Managers should log in to the integration using their Be My Eyes credentials.
Now the integration is installed, agents can begin answering Be My Eyes calls using the agent widget.