For Tasks that Require more Specialized Assistance
You can call for on-demand video customer support from professionals at any of our well-known partner companies, without leaving the Be My Eyes App. Providers vary by region and language, but include households names in categories such as:
- Web and Computer Technology
- Health and Beauty Products
- Home and Cleaning
- Blindness Organizations
Service Directory calls work exactly like a standard Be My Eyes call, but instead of getting connected to a volunteer, you will be connected to a representative of the selected company. The trained representative will be available to answer questions or help you tackle issues related to their products or services with speed and in-depth solutions. As always, it’s completely free to use.
Making a call through the Service Directory
If you wish to call one of our partner companies, simply enter the Service Directory menu and select the company you'd like to connect with. On their company profile, you can learn more about the service the company offers through Be My Eyes, their opening hours, and supported languages. You'll also find a button to call the selected company.
After you request assistance, it will take a moment for Be My Eyes to locate the first available support agent and establish a connection. Once the connection is established, you can talk to the company representative, and he/she can also see what you point your rear-facing camera (the camera on the back-side of your phone) at. The combination of the video feed and the support agent's expert knowledge is an efficient and simple way to get your issues solved or your questions answered.
Available Companies
The companies and organisations available through Be My Eyes depends on your location, as some companies and organisations are only available in selected regions. Please check the Service Directory menu in the Be My Eyes app to see which companies and organisations are available in your region. Please also be aware that companies and organisations only offer their service in limited languages. The following companies and organisations are available with Specialized Help calls through the Service Directory:
- Microsoft: Available in 25 countries in English.
- Google: Available globally in English.
- Clearblue: Available globally in English.
- P&G: Selected brands are available in USA, Canada and UAE in English.
- ACB (American Council of the Blind): Available in USA in English.
- Guide Dogs for the Blind: Available in USA and Canada in English.
- RNIB (Royal National Institute of the Blind): Available in UK in English.
- Adaptions Store at San Francisco Lighthouse: Available globally in English.
On top of the companies and organization mentioned above, many local blind organizations are also available through the Service Directory. Check out the Service Directory menu in the Be My Eyes app to check if you can connect with your local blind organization.
Request New Companies for Service Directory?
Do you have a company or organisation in mind that you'd like to see on Be My Eyes? We'd love to hear from you! Please fill out our Specialized Help suggestion form, and we'll do our best to include them in the Service Directory section.