If you’re honest, kind and respectful to others, you’ll always be welcome in the Be My Eyes Community. On the other hand, if you choose not to be, it will have an effect on your presence in the community. Everyone is held to the same standards on Be My Eyes. These Guidelines and our Terms of Use are designed to ensure that every user has a safe and enjoyable experience using our app. We’re asking you to be considerate, think before you act, and abide by our community guidelines and our terms of use.
When calling volunteers, please keep in mind that the generous helpers in the Be My Eyes network are volunteers, and we cannot guarantee the quality of their help nor take responsibility for their actions. We recommend that you take the following precautions for the best possible experience with Be My Eyes, and please report any cases of app misuse or abuse that you encounter by reporting it in the app directly after the call. This allows us to take immediate action and make sure that Be My Eyes remains a safe space for everyone.
Safety Tips
Be My Eyes is built on kindness, empowerment and respect, and our goal is to provide you with the best visual assistance. Your safety is very important, and because you are in control of your Be My Eyes experience, there are certain safety steps that you should follow while using the app:
- Protect Your Personal Information: Please don’t display or share any identification documents like passport, driver’s license, your personal address, social security number or other government-issued ID.
- Protect Your Financial Information: Never share credit card, bank/checking account, insurance or other financial information or passwords.
- Protect Your Health Information: Do not share information about your medication or health conditions.
- Report all inappropriate or unsafe behavior: If you at anytime feel uncomfortable during an encounter on Be My Eyes, please don't hesitate to let us know. Please report anyone that violates our terms, so we can make sure everyone has a safe experience on Be My Eyes. You can report any concerns about suspicious behavior through the call rating after each call. Here are some examples of violations:
- Threatening, demeaning or rude language
- Requests for money or donations
- Bullying or pranks
- Sexually suggestive language
- The pressure to give out personal information
- Volunteer purposely giving false answers
- Spam or solicitation including links to commercial websites or attempts to sell products or services
Be My Eyes is NOT for:
- Sharing nude or sexually suggestive content.
- Dating
- Making new friends or networking
- Learning a new language
- Sharing Private Information - Don’t publicly broadcast any private information, yours or anyone else’s. This includes social security numbers, passports, passwords, financial information or unlisted contact information, such as phone numbers, email addresses, home/work address.
- Sharing Spam - Don’t use Be My Eyes to drive people to external websites via a link or otherwise.
- Impersonation - Be yourself! Don’t pretend to be someone else.
- Pranks, bullying or practical jokes.
- Dangerous or emergency situations - Don't use Be My Eyes in situations that can cause danger to yourself or anyone around you. Additionally, don't use Be My Eyes in emergency situations - always contact your local authorities.
- One Person, One Account - Be My Eyes accounts cannot have multiple owners, so don’t create an account with your friend or significant other. Additionally, please don’t maintain multiple Be My Eyes accounts.
Please note that that all of the above behaviour is basis for you to be suspended from the Be My Eyes Community.
Reporting Abuse or Misuse of Be My Eyes
We handle all abuse reports with close attention. If you witness or are subject to misuse or abuse of our Services, please check out the following guide on how you can report abuse.