After your call, it is important to rate the call and provide any notes that you have on the call itself. This is important to get an overview on what queries customers are calling in with, and provides us with useful information should you experience any technical or user issues.
Call notes
It may be important to take some notes on why customers are calling in, and what you were able to do to help them. This is important to see how to change the usability of your product or service, and goes a long way in improving your long term customer service offerings.
Call Labels
Get a better overview of why customers are calling in. By labelling the call, managers can see in which areas customers are experiencing issues, and can adjust the service accordingly.
Call Rating
Let us know about the quality of your call. Your feedback is not shared with the caller, it helps us to improve Be My Eyes for everyone. If the call was bad, you can flag it for ‘poor quality’ or ‘inappropriate behavior’. This is important for quality assurance.
Report spam callers or inappropriate behavior
Focus only on important calls by deflecting those that don't have anything to do with your business. When reporting abuse, please include a detailed description so our team can get a better understanding of the situation. Blind users who break our Terms of Service will be blocked from calling your organization. Please give this action serious consideration.
How to report a technical issue
If you experienced any form of technical issue during the call, please report it in the call rating. In the call rating, select the option "Problems". Please select the type of technical issue you've experienced from the following:
- Poor video or audio quality
- No audio or video
- Call ended unexpectedly
- Other technical issue
If you need further assistance, please contact our support team through the app or at